Please fill out tis form completely. •. Receipts, in voices or contracts m ust be attached in order to receive reimb ursement pa yment.The Michigan PTA shall submit to the National PTA a report of its work and activities for inclusion in the annual report of the National PTA. Public notices must contain the name of the public body to which the notice applies, its telephone number, and its address. The annual meeting of the Board of Directors may be held, without notice immediately after the annual shareholders meeting. Growth in Michigan Jobs. During its annual Organization Day on Tuesday, Jan. As a PTA Council DEI committee, we have also identified the following as key DEI issues: Each of the individual PTA local units (i.e. Access the directory of accredited physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education programs, bridge programs, and developing programs. • Ensure that the governing body is meeting at the specified intervals indicated in the.