The Personal Property Division information page of the SDAT Web site contains links to forms and instructions, brochures, exemptions, tax rate charts and more. If you are a sole proprietor in Maryland you would file the same as an individual using Form 502.Our guide offers business owners easy-to-follow directions on how to file the Maryland Annual Report and Personal Property Tax Return on your own. To determine if you need a license, contact your local Clerk of the Circuit Court or call the State License Bureau at 410-260-6240. It helps to have an accountant help you fill it out but apparently your county that your reside in has to tax you on your personal property. For specific and complete legal advice, please consult with a practicing attorney who is knowledgeable about Maryland law and is familiar with the relevant. Personal property in Maryland is defined as "Personal property shall include all property other than real property or franchises. Section III requires information on the gross sales from the past year. The Md Personal Property form, formally known as Form 1, is a crucial document for all business entities operating in Maryland. Dealers that sell secondhand personal property.