Secure your transaction with our notarized bill of sale template. A notarized bill of sale is a document that records the legal transfer of any type of personal property (vehicle, boat, etc.) from a seller to a buyer.You are free to draft your bill of sale in any language but you will need to translate it into English if you intend to use it as evidence in a legal dispute. The Texas bill of sale form verifies the elemental facts of the sale of personal property in exchange for a predetermined compensatory amount. It contains information about the buyer and the seller, a description of the vehicle being sold, and information about the transaction, such as price. The Texas bill of sale form verifies the elemental facts of the sale of personal property in exchange for a predetermined compensatory amount. Information. All sections of this form must be properly completed in order for this document to be accepted. Original signatures are. Plain Language Summary Template – Complete the Plain Language Summary (TCEQ Form. 20972) and include as an attachment.