This line begins with Attention of, Attention or Attn. , ends with a colon and is placed flush with the left margin.Confirm your ability to obtain insurance and insurability of the property during the inspection period with your insurance agent (see Sections 6a and 6e). Do not capitalize every letter of a member's last name, except in the subject and signature lines. Find helpful documents in each tab below to assist you in the MOWR Literacy Plan submission process, as well as your own systemwide literacy processes. And much, much more. Plus, ATA will actually print out the notice letters and prepare the envelope for certified mail delivery, return receipt requested. For an example, see the end of this sheet for a sample letter. 3. Attention ALTCS Customer: Please complete the "Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information to AHCCCS" form. Learn how to write not only business letters but any document and receive instructor feedback.