Facebook groups allow you to create up to three membership questions for private groups. Go to your Facebook group and click on the top right corner, and you will find the option 'Membership questions.When you have a Facebook Group, creating membership questions allows you to get to know your people a bit better. You can ask people who request to join or participate in your group to answer up to 3 questions to help you decide whether or not to approve them. How do I get current Facebook group members to answer the membership questions and group rules? Let's go over some of the questions that I personally have used that have really helped me and I'm going to give you some examples. Today's quick tutorial will show you exactly how to add questions to Facebook Group requests. A friendly reminder about the exact same questions being asked in these groups, sometimes multiple times a day. Facebook group scams can be prevented. Here are some tips for staying safe from cyberattacks while enjoying discourse with online communities.