Complete the online Donate to FCPS form and, where applicable, make note that the donated item has been received. Completion of this online form allows FCPS to better support donors, track donations, and send thank you tax receipts.Use our self-service options on this website to pay your taxes or make a phone or video appointment at your convenience. Bystep guide on how to fill out a Goodwill tax donation receipt. This form is available at our stores in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. If you donated to a nonprofit at one of our locations, you are able to access an electronic copy of our nonprofit partners' tax receipt below. A donation receipt documents the details of a cash or property donation that's gifted to an individual cause or organization. This will be used on your donation receipt and your IRS tax documents (if applicable), so please enter your full first name and last name. Learn how to easily create your donation receipts and the best practices to follow in the year-end receipts to your donors. Habitat DC-NOVA schedules donation pick-ups Monday-Friday between 10AM-4PM.