Complete the online Donate to FCPS form and, where applicable, make note that the donated item has been received. This receipt is issued to individuals who have donated cash or payment, personal property, or a vehicle and seek to claim the donation as a tax deduction.Completion of this online form allows FCPS to better support donors, track donations, and send thank you tax receipts. To create a 501(c)(3)-compliant receipt with Donorbox, simply log in and use our easy template editor. Get a Free Nonprofit Donation Receipt Template for Every Giving Scenario. If you are a professional and currently need to obtain resources for a family, we want to support you. A donation receipt documents the details of a cash or property donation that's gifted to an individual cause or organization. Yes, please fill out the Owner Exemption Statement Form. Find Answers to Your Questions. If you have seen a Clearview staff member going above and beyond, fill out an FCPS Cares here.