(c) The notice of a meeting to recall a member or members of the board of directors shall state the specific directors sought to be removed. The purpose of these Rules is to provide for the smooth and orderly functioning of the business of the Board of the Central Florida.A meeting of shareholders shall be held each year for the election of directors and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. The initial directors shall hold an organizational meeting, at the call of a majority of the directors, to complete the organization of the corporation. It is important to note that the State of Florida does not require corporations to file meeting minutes with any agency of the State of Florida. 2. The board shall duly notice and hold a meeting of the board within 5 full business days after receipt of the agreement in writing or written ballots. (a) Participate in a special meeting of shareholders. (f) Any director who is removed from the board is not eligible to stand for reelection until the next annual meeting at which directors are elected. Submit a request to speak to the Board of Trustees Liaison no later than two days or forty-eight hours in advance of the full board meeting scheduled.