In this 8th Biannual Special Interest Subgroup Meeting, we propose to bring together a group of investigators using systematic genetic and chemical methods. The SDB will holds its 82nd annual meeting in Chicago, at the Hyatt Regency, from July 20-23rd, 2023.The annual research day features a keynote presentation, along with oral and poster presentations from graduate and undergraduate students. The 2025 Gordon Research Conference on Cell Biology of Megakaryocytes and Platelets will be held in Ventura, California. Apply today to reserve your spot. The Department of Anatomy at the University of Illinois College of Medicine is a center of excellence in the field of anatomical sciences and research. The Waterville Valley Resort accommodates all participants on-site in a lovely setting where participants will spend free time together. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting. Canceling a scientific meeting can be equally difficult, as is exhibited in the files for the 1986 Annual Meeting.