Use this form if you do not wish to speak but would like to submit comments for the Board of Supervisors meeting to be part of the record. Board of Education Meeting Minutes 2016- 17 Minutes, 2017-18 Minutes, 2018-19 Minutes, 2019-20 Minutes, 2020-21 Minutes, 2021-22 MinutesBoard of Education Annual Meeting Schedule, Board of Education Meeting Minutes, Board Policies, Board Regulation, Budget Information, RTSD Now you can complete your form online, print it, sign it and mail it to the Clerk of the Board. Individual audience participation is limited to 3 minutes. If you are in person, please complete and submit a speaker card to Museum staff. Once you submit the form, you will receive an email confirming your request with the Zoom meeting number and passcode. Riverside County supervisorial districts are made up of five separate boundaries. Riverside is your online studio for high-quality podcast and video recording and editing. This item was a follow up to the direction the Board gave staff at the last meeting.