This blog post aims to unravel the legal intricacies and potential consequences of backing out of an escrow contract in California's real estate market. The buyer and seller agree to an escrow timeline during contract negotiations, and each sale varies, but normally escrow takes around 30 to 60 days to close.Your option is to refuse to close until the seller vacates the property. If the seller refuses to release the money from escrow, the parties should lawyer up as soon as possible. From filling out required disclosures, to completing repairs, to receiving final escrow sale proceeds. In california you get two days after a notice to perform to perform before seller can cancel. You will receive a PCOR with your escrow documents and you will be required to fill it out completely. Yes you can always back out of escrow the question is how much money do you lose and the answer is it really depends on whether or not you removed all of your contingencies. When the property insurance or taxes are due, the bank will withdraw funds from the escrow account to pay the costs. If you are buying or selling a home, you must understand all the processes involved in the escrow.