Chicago Title provides professional escrow settlement services that are a convenience for the buyer and seller because both can move forward separately. PLEASE NOTE: The escrow trust fee for these joint order escrow trust instructions is due and payable within thirty.1. We, the Seller(s) and Buyer(s), direct you to make disbursements for this transaction, pursuant to the attached HUD-1. Chicago Title Insurance Company instructions to the settlement agent. What information do I need to fill out the Escrow Agreement form? You need details about the property, date of closing, involved parties, and the escrow amount. An escrow holdback becomes the easy solution for completing the transaction, while pushing an issue like possession or repairs to a later date. Provided, however, nothing herein shall diminish Escrowee's obligation to apply the full amount of the deposits in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. How to fill out the Escrow Agreement between Seller and Purchaser? , in the possession of a third party, Escrow Agent; and.