Credit card payments are subject to a convenience fee. This office is responsible for collecting real estate property taxes, billing of taxes to appropriate homeowners and mortgage companies.Some property appraisers' websites can give you a tax es mate based on the loca on of the home. The check is usually made out to the seller's attorney, who holds it for safekeeping in a separate account called an "escrow account. They are available Monday – Friday 8AM – 5PM, and Wednesdays 9AM – 5PM , except on holidays. The property taxes are prorated in escrow, based on the close of escrow date. Hillsborough Title provides complete title, escrow, and settlement services throughout the State of Florida, representing buyers, sellers, and lenders. This guide is designed to cover the basics and nuances of Florida property taxes in Hillsborough County and provide you with helpful resources. Title and Escrow Company Hillsborough, Florida. Value of Real Property or Mortgage Foreclosure Claim You must fill out and submit this form with each new action.