The judgment creditor shall furnish to the judgment debtor and file with the clerk a written statement that the judgment has been satisfied. The judgment in this case has been satisfied.I request that the Clerk enter the judgment as "SATISFIED" upon payment of any open costs. Any person or business can be subject to garnishment. Satisfying implies the fulfilling of a built-up need, whereas satisfactory implies only a meeting of existing standards. If you have not filed for UI benefits in Maryland previously, answer "no" to the question "Have you ever filed for unemployment insurance benefits in Maryland? You may be eligible to claim some valuable personal income tax credits available on your Maryland tax return. Agreements reached in mediation are only final when all of the participants are satisfied and willing to sign their names to the agreement. We provide representation to tenants in rent court and brief advice for tenants who need help filling out forms or who wish to self-represent in court. C : Satisfactory Denotes work which achieves the objectives for the course.