If any requirements are listed not as satisfied you will not graduate! A simple complaint might take only a day to complete, while a complex complaint might take several months to investigate and review.This page tells you about: What happens after appointment? Paying debts and liabilities of the estate; Creditors' claims; Taxes. Any disbursed financial aid remaining after all of SCU tuition and fees are satisfied will be refunded to the student or a parent borrower, as appropriate. An appeal is a formal way of asking us to review our decision and change it if you think we made a mistake. What is a Business Property Statement - Form 571-L (BPS)? After we complete your project, we follow up in 30 days to be certain that you are 100 percent satisfied. Soon, I'll lease my 8th Hyundai (for my son) - for sure again with Stevens Creek Hyundai. A good candidate for a smile makeover is someone who is not satisfied with their smile.