Your Petition must be filed within 30 days after the filing of the final assessment roll. Typically the escrow period is 30 days.If the escrow will not close within the extended 45 day period, then the buyer is in default. The check is usually made out to the seller's attorney, who holds it for safekeeping in a separate account called an "escrow account. The seller has a request that after we close on the house, they need 30 more days to move out completely. The law in Virginia gives buyers and sellers a choice of using an attorney or a title and escrow company to handle their real estate settlement. A tenant must inform the landlord of the name of any occupant within. If the escrow will not close within the extended 45 day period, then the buyer is in default. The buyer and seller can negotiate the time period, which is usually about 30 days from the execution of the purchase and sale agreement. Have them sign a lease. 2.