Antique Vellum Indenture (1874) Westwood Nottinghamshire, Heald and Charles Antique Signed Wax Seal Freehold Deed. SilverBirchBooks. Crafted with care in our Seattle-area studio, each wax stamp is made to order on your choice of our Scandinavian-inspired stamp styles, and shipped within three working days.An indenture folded, sewn, and sealed with Gwinnett's seal as well as his signature. Close-up of Gwinnett's seal and signature on the indenture. It is complete with the original wax seal. Backfill shall include the refilling and compaction of the fill in the trenches and excavations up to the surrounding ground surface or road grade at crossing. Any document containing a seal, signature, date and COA information as required in (2) above shall be considered to be issued. Georgia monogram wax seal stamp. Handmade to order in our Seattle area studio. An indenture folded, sewn, and sealed with Gwinnett's seal as well as his signature.