I have an indenture (early form of a deed) from a County archive and I'm not sure how to cite it. An indenture is a legal contract between two parties, particularly for indentured labour or a term of apprenticeship but also for certain land transactions.What is a Common Law Title in Jamaica, Often Referred to as an Indenture Land Document? A land indenture is a legal document that formalizes the transfer of property ownership between two parties. Although the two can be separate, an indenture is not complete without the site plan in it. I'm selling a property in Kasoa and I'm told that the King is dead (RIP) and cannot sign the indenture. As someone not from Ghana I don't understand. Deed Book I, page 47. As noted above, the two chief divisions into which all law deeds may be roughly classified are the deedpole and the indenture.