An indenture, signed at the closing of the issuance of the notes, is a contract between the issuer of the notes, any guarantors of the debt and the trustee. The Credit Agreement referenced in the mortgage is in full force and effect and has not been amended, modified, terminated or revoked.Indenture, in a legal context, refers to a formal written agreement or contract between parties, specifying terms and conditions. The underwriting process begins when a municipality decides to issue bonds to finance a project or some other initiative. We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the businesstype activities, the aggregate discretely presented. A credit indenture is the underlying contract agreement that details all of the provisions and clauses associated with a credit offering. Employment growth in the NassauSuffolk region continues to increase. Mark an X in the appropriate box or boxes if you are claiming a total exemption from the transfer tax. Instructions for Schedule C. Who must complete Schedule C. The term "rented" means leased, let, or hired out, with or without 23 a written agreement; and 24 5.