There is no Charter requirement for the presence of a quorum in order for a Community Board to hold these public hearings. A committee may recommend an action without a meeting if the entire committee agrees to that recommendation.If the corporation has members entitled to vote, after the board of directors has authorized the plan, the plan is submitted to the membership for approval. Seven steps for writing a board resolution, plus a definition, what it's required, how to pass a resolution and FAQs. A unanimous written consent for the board of directors of a New York corporation to act without a formal board meeting. Adoption of the following resolutions, and that such action be taken without a meeting of the. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the. QUEENS WEST DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION at the offices of the. Queens Community Board 2 Meeting Minutes. Corporate secretary: The secretary will sign the resolution to attest that it's been adopted and recorded in the board meeting minutes.