A board resolution template provides guidance when creating resolutions, streamlining the process for greater efficiency. A Board Agenda Item (BAI) is a standard format for County staff to convey information and recommendations to the Board and the public.BAIs include a formal. Board meetings are held in the Covington Chambers on the first floor of the County Government Center, located at 385 N. Arrowhead Ave. Find details about submitting public comments for mayor and city council meetings. This form should not be used "as is" but should be modified after careful consideration of the sample board resolutions. Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR), Pass, Action details, Agenda Documents, Not available. This is a consolidated agenda for the scheduled meeting of the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, also. These include conferences and meetings, deadlines, budget and reporting information, and other subjects. The following links are to Adobe PDF files.