As a farmer, you may qualify for certain tax incentives! These valuable tax credits and other money-saving incentives are for farming operations of all sizes.Use Form 8283 to report information about noncash charitable contributions. Do not use Form 8283 to report out-of-pocket expenses for volunteer work. Use Form RP524, Complaint on Real Property Assessment to grieve your assessment. When a charity or land trusts accepts a real estate donation, the landowner can deduct the fair market value of the land from his or her federal taxes. In many cases, charitable donations are tax-deductible. When you donate to a qualifying organization, you can deduct the amount from your taxable income. A contribution of property generally will not "constitute a charitable contribution if the contributor expects a substantial benefit in return. To qualify for these tax benefits and write-offs, you will need to transfer the property to either a Charitable Remainder Trust or a nonprofit organization.