An operating agreement lays out the expectations for all members of your Texas LLC, their roles, rights and responsibilities. Operating agreements for an LLC in Texas provide essential information such as the LLC's financial structure, organization, company rules, and regulations.If the LLC initially has managers, select option A and provide the name and address of each initial manager in the space provided. An LLC management agreement is needed when an LLC opts to appoint a manager to run the daytoday business operations. Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can write your own agreement, or fill out our attorney-drafted template to generate your manager-managed LLC operating agreement for free. The exclusive right to fill manager vacancies is vested in the members. What Should Be Covered in an LLC Operating Agreement? The first step is to review the LLC's operating agreement for any provisions related to member withdrawal or expulsion. The operating agreement is a vital document that outlines the internal workings and management structure of the LLC.