Fairfax Public Access has signed an agreement with Ole Media Management for all of our TV producers who are looking for music to add to their shows. We offer artist management contracts that you can download and modify.Get your management contract for recording artists and live performance artists now. A list of the contracts contained in the package are as follows: Artist Management Agreement. In this video you're going to learn what to include in a management contract between the artist and the manager. All interested artists must complete a "Call for Artist" application to be included in the Paint It, Fairfax! Murals program database. Licensing Executive. Geropsychiatric Plan DBHDS shall contract to develop a comprehensive plan for the publicly funded geropsychiatric system of care in Virginia. San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) has moved to online enrollment for all new students attending a SBCUSD elementary, middle, and high school.