Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement. Contribution Agreement, the Initial Member: (i) made a Capital Contribution to the Company in the form of certain.The Individual Artist Agreement is a contract entered into between the Artist and the AGMA signatory company for which they are working. As the artist, you should write up your own contract explaining what your client expects from you and what you expect from your client. Here is a breakdown of (some) common types of contracts and agreements that you may encounter in the course of your artistic career. Contract form Templates for all upcoming and start up artists, who are looking forward to enter into an agreement for the following fields. Contract form Templates for all upcoming and start up artists, who are looking forward to enter into an agreement for the following fields. Paramore is an American rock band formed in Franklin, Tennessee, in 2004. Recognition of Courthouse Artwork: Jeanne Saulsbury, local artist and Ridgely resident, allowed the. Founded in 2006, Rocket Lab is an endtoend space company with an established track record of mission success.