Warrants Artist can meet the schedules established pursuant to this Agreement and. Artist is capable of completing this project within the required deadline.THIS CONTRACT FOR SERVICES, is made and entered into on this 10 day of July ,. The Contracts for Services (CFS) Program provides unrestricted general operating and project support to nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations. If you do not want to participate in any Overdraft Elect Plan please fill out the form on our Overdraft Services page, call us at 1.800. Below are links to commonly used probate forms. To apply for membership with Fulton Art Fair, please take the time to fill out the information below. Fulton. County revenues are therefore primarily dependent on the economy within its territorial boundaries. Fulton-Montgomery Community College (FMCC) is a College of the State University of New York and provides college level education. A new contract must be created if the organization requires the artist to do tasks that are not stated in this agreement.