To fill out this section, you'll need to include the name on the account, the account type and the account number. Generally, Harris' clients give Harris investment discretion over the assets placed under Harris' management. When.Investment management agreements are legal documents that give investment managers the authority to manage capital on behalf of investors. Explore the essentials of Investment Management Agreements (IMAs), their components, types, and legal considerations. If you wish income to accumulate on the income account, please tick this box. The graph compares the performance of a hypothetical investment in the Fund with the Fund's Reference Index. In a consulting agreement, property managers provide advice and guidance to property owners, but they don't take an active role in management. If you wish income to be paid out, please fill in the details of the account you wish us to credit below. By signing the filled-out form, you: 1. Photocopies and mailed or delivered in a sealed envelope to The HARRIS CENTER.