(i). The term hereof ("the Term") shall consist of an initial period. (the "First Contract Period") commencing on the date hereof and shall continue.Use this template as a guide to write your own artist contract or simply fill in the blanks to easily craft your legal agreement. On the Monument's completion, Artist shall issue a certificate of authenticity to acknowledge that the Monument as installed is faithful to the Artist's. We're sharing this template of the contract we use when we hire artists to do cover art for our anthologies and books. Artist agreements outline the terms and conditions of the artistic partnership and allow each party to understand what they are responsible for in the endeavor. The Scope of this Agreement is the Universe. The Length of this Agreement will be eighteen (18) months from delivery of the Masters and artwork to the Company. Students can fill out their very own " Artist Statement " about their art project. In this artist contract template, we provide you with the basic components of a legal contract between an organization and an artist.