An artist manageent agreement is the contract between the artist and the person or company they choose to manage their career. This page contains questions and answers to the most frequently asked questions taxpayers have about the Business Tax and the Creative Artist Exemption.Below are standard clauses found in a typical agreement, but it should serve simply as a guide to understanding artist management contracts. 1. Review the agreement sections thoroughly. "Sad and Beautiful World is for the survivors, the dreamers, the leavers and the believers," said Jesse Malin. Prater died in a 1988 car crash in Georgia. Moore also pressed legal claims that the record industry had cheated him out of retirement benefits. Most BLM campgrounds require a fee to use a campground. Form the basis of any study of artist management. There were two types of COVID-19 EIDL funding: COVID-19 EIDL loan funds were to be used for working capital and other normal operating expenses.