Stadium Operations Agreement (PDF) Management Agreement (PDF) Amendment No. 1 to Management Agreement (PDF) Amendment No. 2 to Management Agreement (PDF) Legal notices and invoices pertaining to this Agreement shall be sent to the appropriate contact person.Contractor is required to notify the County Live Scan liaison when the employment or licensing relationship of any individual whose name was. 2). Following ratification of the agreement, Management shall assign employees to the appropriate step in accordance with the employee's specialty and tenure. Per the Santa Clara County chapter by-laws, the complete TA must be available to all members five days before an official ratification vote. EBIX Insurance No. S200004113. Will be vested exclusively in the state courts of California in the County of Santa Clara, State of. California. 29.3. Management and disposal of reverse osmosis (RO) concentrate, and. 4. Do not write "see resume or personnel file.