FREE Operating Agreement templates – Texas-specific LLC operating agreements for single-member, multi-member, and manager-managed LLCs. You can use one of our attorney-drafted templates to fill out, save, and download your operating agreement for free.Operating agreements for an LLC in Texas provide essential information such as the LLC's financial structure, organization, company rules, and regulations. Here is a Managermanaged Operating Agreement template available in 2 formats. The Operating Agreement shows who owns the company, how profits are to be dealt with, and spells out steps on how any problems will be handled. Operating agreements are not required for LLCs in Texas, and you do not need to file anything with the State regarding your operating agreement. Learn all about LLC operating agreements, why they are important, and what you'll need to include when drafting one for your LLC. Create and personalize your LLC operating agreement template with Form Pros in 3 easy steps. Should this occur, the facility will be required to fill out a damage report form. Members hire a manager to make these types of decisions.