Some buyers can use an offer letter mortgage to qualify for a home loan before starting their new job. Here's how offer letter loans work.In a perfect world, mortgage lenders like to see a twoyear employment history in your current position before they approve you for a home loan. The lender asked for an offer letter, and said the job Offer that I accepted on is too contingent to use. HR says they don't know, but are going to ask payroll. First time home buyers can have a loan talk with our community experts and discuss their home loan related issues in mortgage loan forum. Lenders want evidence that you'll be able to repay a loan, so typically they like to see a steady twoyear work history with a stable or rising income. At a minimum, the letter should show a clear, noncontingent job offer. It needs to outline your salary and start date for the new position. The offer letter must be non-contingent.