Performance appraisals are a formal, written means of evaluating AMP and SP employees and are the final step in the Performance Management process. How to fill out the Performance Bond Form for Contractor in Florida?1. Enter project name and number. 2. Sample Performance Agreement ✓ easily fill out and sign forms ✓ download blank or editable online ✓ send and share templates with PDFLiner. The School will comply with all other public record retention requirements for non- student related records in a manner consistent with applicable Florida law. Performer represents and warrants that it is not on the Convicted Vendor List (see § 287.133 (2) (a), Fla. Stat.). This filled-out form will serve as a binding agreement between the Promoter and the Artist regarding the specified performances. Complete with proposal form. The Florida employment contract details the position an employee will be filling in the company.