Refer to Arizona Withholding Tax Ruling (WTR) 16-4 to determine if a worker is an employee or an independent contractor for Arizona withholding tax purposes. To elect an Arizona withholding percentage, an employee must complete Arizona Form A-4, and submit it to their employer.Virtual currency is treated as property and general tax principles applicable to property transactions apply to transactions using virtual currency. This guide explains how to file the NR4 return and how to complete the T4A-NR Summary and slips. Foreign companies will be awarded with a tax code, declare tax online at the portal of the GDT on a quarterly basis, and pay tax online. Nutrition Assistance provides eligible households with monthly benefits they can use to purchase nutritious food. A state tax reciprocity agreement entitles individuals who live in one state and work in another to only pay income tax for the state where they live. Lucia, whether those income sources are located in or out of St. Lucia. Otherwise, you could be subject to IRS penalties like steep fines and interest. Remote work can be pretty funyou can work anywhere!