Learn how U.S. companies can hire foreign independent contractors, covering legal aspects, benefits, and compliance tips. The equivalent form for overseas contractors is W8BEN.One essential form for overseas contractors is Form W-8BEN. An independent contractor agreement is a contract between a freelancer and a client outlining work specifics. The Contractor agrees: A. To submit all reports and invoices specified in this Agreement in a timely manner. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about bringing a selfemployed worker on board, wherever they are in the world. Is Associate Counsel at the. Rather, the specific language contained in the IWC wage orders, the Labor Code, or Unemployment Insurance Code will remain in effect. Seek Now is searching for capable 1099 independent sub-contractors to provide accurate, impartial, and complete home and commercial property inspections. Employees don't need to reside in Massachusetts to be covered.