Some highly popular digital wallets for paying international contractors are PayPal, Google Pay, Cash App, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Venmo, and more. How to fill out: Form 1099NEC reports the total amount of nonemployee compensation you paid the contractor in Box 1.Explore methods for paying international contractors. Use this guide to avoid high fees and slow processing. You can pay your foreign contractors using ACH bank debit (secure international bank direct deposit), credit cards, or local bank transfers. Want to simplify the payment process for independent contractors? This guide details the easiest and quickest ways to make freelancer payments. Freelancers can also set up Venmo business profiles, which allow clients to issue payments the same way individual Venmo users pay each other over the app. This guide dives deep into the mechanisms of paying contractors efficiently and compliantly, giving you an overview of the options available. The guidance I have seen is if the payments weren't sent as Goods and Services, Venmo is not acting as a TPSO, and a 1099 should be filed.