If you are interested in submitting a proposal on this project, read the instructions in Section L of the attached Request for Proposals (RFP). The effective date of this Contract is (fill in date when work must begin, not earlier than signature date) , and the completion date is (fill in date).Campuses may use Form 7554-01 to solicit sealed bids at their discretion. List of all current AIA Contract Documents. This Agreement contemplates the Broker making an introduction. Besides. The University desires to obtain services from the Independent Contractor as more particularly described herein (hereinafter referred to as the Services). II. Most jurisdiction clauses and choice of law clauses will specify that the choice of law is that of the court which has jurisdiction over the dispute. The United Arab Emirates, one of the GCC countries, has legislated the Arbitration laws under the UAE Civil Procedure Code (Federal Law No. 11 of 1992). When you hire an independent contractor, they will be performing the services and completing the assignments that help your organization thrive. Adopted March 20, 2024.