The Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS) between the EU, Canada, Russia and the US and concluded successfully in 1998. Animal welfare in the North American wild fur industry is assured through the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS).The trap must be set on level ground so it will remain steady when the cat enters. The Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS) establishes the required standards for approval and certification of animal trapping devices. Executive Airport, for the Miami-Dade Aviation Department, the Owner. Debt Service section of this report. Corps permits are also necessary for any work, including construction and dredging, in the Nation's navigable waters. Zoo Miami staff helped discover a brand new species of large spider in the critically endangered pine rockland forest surrounding Zoo Miami. ➢ Student centered, active learning: Each and every lesson requires student involvement in a participatory activity.