The College's final approver will sign last. Contractors are urged to review contracts to ensure compliance with all County requirements.Below are those various contract requirements. The Contractor is, and shall be, in the performance of all work services and activities under this Agreement, an. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The agreement period SHOULD NOT end later than "June 30" of the current Fiscal. Year. Independent Contractor Agreement (for professional services) contact us 11200 SW 8th Street, PC 511 Miami, FL 33199 T: (305) 348-2103 F: (305) 348-3272 It is the intent of the parties that Consultant is an independent contractor under this Agreement and not the NMCRA's employee for all. Things to think about when drafting an independent contractor agreement is not to exert to much control on the independent contractor. The Interlocal Agreement grants to the OIG the authority to investigate any aspect of the school system.