Learn about AB 5 and how to determine if a worker is an independent contractor or employee. Employers who misclassify employees as independent contractors effectively transfer the costs of running their business to the employee.Learn how U.S. companies can hire foreign independent contractors, covering legal aspects, benefits, and compliance tips. The IRS is highly concerned with employers categorizing employees as private contractors, since this is a violation of San Diego employment law. Yes, all foreign national visitors who receive pay for services must have either an ITIN or SSN, regardless of the amount received. The following is a list of the economic factors that are considered in determining whether an individual is an independent contractor or an employee. You must have at least four (4) years of experience, in the class you are applying for, to qualify to take the examination. And is able to perform the trade without supervision, or a person who has completed an apprenticeship program. Residential Care Worker Supervisors supervise Residential Care Workers, volunteers and contract workers on multiple shifts in an assigned cottage or cottages. Integrated ProcuretoPay Solutions (IPPS).