This RFP provides details on what is required to submit a. Proposal for the Work, how the State will evaluate the Proposals, and what will be required of the.Upon receipt of your bid, you will receive a reply indicating your bid has been received. 1.01 This Bid is submitted to: City of Loveland, Loveland City Hall, 120 W. Loveland Avenue, Loveland,. If Offeror's company is incorporated or registered in the State of Ohio, we require a Certificate of Good Standing. Bidder shall submit a BID GUARANTY in the form of either: a. The process will allow suppliers an equal opportunity to bid for Ohio University business and to know the selection criteria for which the bid will be awarded. Bid Invitation Submission Form. Bidding documents will be forwarded to all bidders who have pre-registered with the Commission's Procurement Department. You can sign up for email notifications for specific bid opportunities and new bid request information.