NRS 155.020 Method and form for notices. Nevada Revised Statutes require a seven-day notice to the tenant, instructing the tenant to either pay the rent or "quit" (leave) the rental property.Audits may be conducted at reasonable times and upon a good faith effort to provide reasonable notice to the holder and the transfer agent. If you are taken to jail as a result of housebreaking or unlawful entry, the landlord can lock you out without notice. However, the landlord must post a notice. After validation, the new account will be added to your list of Active External Accounts, and you'll be able to complete transfers immediately. Here are the steps to completing the form: Upon completion, bring the form, the certificate of death, and the title to the DMV. Accepted transfer credit will have no effect on cumulative GPA. Maximum Timeframe Measurement. The online title transfer is not an instant process.