When you sell or transfer your vehicle or vessel to another party, you are required to submit a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (NRL). The two most common documents used to transfer ownership are the Grant Deed and Quit Claim Deed.Made up of Administration, Revenue Services, Receivables and Collections, and Special Business Permits. Documents can be mailed, faxed to 916-449-1285, or submitted via the Drop Box in the parking lot at 630 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. There are three different transfer types that you may qualify for: interdepartmental transfer, interclass transfer, and voluntary demotion. Sacramento Police Department. Sacramento transfer students: If you have been admitted to Sacramento campus, you must complete all required nursing courses at the Sacramento Campus. Residential customers. A letter of recommendation may be required for some scholarships. Call 911 to report sparking or downed lines.