The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. While California labor laws primarily apply to instate workers, certain scenarios can extend these protections to outofstate employees.Arizona and Colorado employees should be compensated under California law for any complete day's or week's work performed in the state. It does not matter where you were born or what your legal status is. Our caring California labor and employment attorneys may be able to help. This page lists just some of the types of cases and claims we handle. A.R.S. 23-233 restricts the hours that youths under the age of sixteen (16) can work. An employee who works in California for an outofstate employer is subject to California law for the time that he or she works in California. I'm a full time AZ resident and accepted a remote position for a company in CA. The company is solely based in LA and an exception was made to hire me. California labor laws are laws related to employment protections and workers' rights that are specific to the State of California.