Non-Factory Workers are entitled to a 30-minute lunch break between a.m. and. Employers in NYS must provide certain employees with at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in any calendar week.In South Carolina, no law gives employees the right to time off to eat lunch (or another meal) or the right to take short breaks during the work day. Employee meal breaks are required to be at least 30 minutes if an employee works six hours anywhere throughout New York state. Workers in factories are entitled to a 60-minute lunch break and non-factory workers are entitled to a 30-minute break for lunch. South Carolina does not require lunch breaks. It is completely up to the employer to provide meal breaks and other additional breaks. Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. There is no requirement under South Carolina law for an employer to provide employees with breaks or a lunch period. In particular, factory workers are allowed a one hour break between 11 a.m.