Employees under the age of 18 must be given at least a 30-minute uninterrupted meal break for every four hours of continuous work. Fla. Stat. According to Florida's break laws, employers in Florida aren't required to offer meal or rest breaks, either paid or unpaid, to their employees.Nonexempt employees are entitled to be paid if they work through lunch. Where they choose to provide meal or rest breaks, employers must pay employees for short breaks of 20 minutes or less. As such, within the state of Florida, employers are not obliged to grant meal periods or rest breaks to employees aged 18 and above. The state follows the federal FLSA in not requiring employers to provide meal or rest breaks for workers. If you employ minors between the ages of 14 and 17, this section contains required documents, posters, breaks, and work hour limitations. However, the total time of each coffee break is not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes including any travel time to and from the job site. Photocopies are acceptable.) Submit application to The Office of the State Attorney, 17th. Florida Law on Employee Breaks: The state follows the federal FLSA in not requiring employers to provide meal or rest breaks for workers.