Non-Factory Workers are entitled to a 30-minute lunch break between a.m. and. In general, employers must provide at least 30 minutes of unpaid time off if an employee works more than 6 hours.Employee meal breaks are required to be at least 30 minutes if an employee works six hours anywhere throughout New York state. New York law does not require employers to give employees a rest break. According to federal law, if any work activity is performed, the meal doesn't count as a lunch break and remains paid time. Employees are entitled to a 45-minute break for shifts more than 6 consecutive hours that begin between 1 p.m. An employer does not have to compensate an employee for meal periods of 30 minutes or longer, as long as the employee is not required to work during the break. No. State laws may not require salaried or even exempt employees from being guaranteed a regular lunch break. If an employee works a shift of more than six hours that starts between 1 p.m. Eventually, the manager said Chrisley slapped him in the face twice.