An employer may not force an employee to work through a meal break. Employees must be afforded reasonable bathroom breaks.Illinois employers must provide a meal break to employees who work at least seven and a half continuous hours. This break must be at least 20 minutes long. The law requires employers to provide one hour of paid time off, which can be used for any reason, including vacation and sick leave, for every 40 hours worked. Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. Workers shall retain recall rights for a period of one (1) year. Employers operating in Illinois: You will be required to provide additional rest and meal breaks to most nonexempt employees. You can walk or bike from the main campus to the main street in a few blocks. Ivy Tech Community College offers Associate's Degrees and Certificates to students in more than 70 programs in over 75 communities across Indiana.