An employer shall pay to an employee voluntarily leaving employment all wages earned and due, as soon as the amount can with due diligence be determined. The best practices for terminations include requiring employers to clearly communicate expectations, provide feedback, and to document performance issues.Discover your rights and your employer's duties under Michigan Labor Law with this comprehensive guide. The law in Michigan does not promise severance pay. An employer shall pay to an employee voluntarily leaving employment or one who is discharged all wages earned and due, on the regularly scheduled payday. Michigan enforces strict safety regulations and antidiscrimination laws to ensure a fair and safe working environment. Legislation was introduced in the Michigan House this week to force Michigan employers to give severance pay to workers who lose their jobs in mass layoffs. MICHIGAN ANTITRUST REFORM ACT (EXCERPT) Act 274 of 1984. There is no age limit in the. The state agency is the Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR).