Department of Labor. Resolving labor disputes, enforcing labor laws, and managing the relationship between the City administration and City employee unions.Please explain your complaint including the details such as date, time and location. Describe the events in the order in which they happened. The mission of the Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA) is to promote the well-being of Philadelphia's immigrant communities. The INA applies to employers seeking to hire nonimmigrant aliens as workers in specialty occupations or as fashion models of distinguished merit and ability. Labour laws labour code or employment laws are those that mediate the relationship between workers, employing entities, trade unions, and the government. These largely West African slaves filled labor shortages in the Philadelphia region, especially when disruptions limited the supply of indentured laborers. Xylazine, reported as an adulterant in an increasing number of illicit drug mixtures, has also been detected in a growing number of overdose deaths. For more information, please refer to Equal Employment Opportunity is The Law.